Lasting Power of Attorney

In an uncertain world it’s reassuring to know that our wishes will be respected even if we’re not in a position to make our own decisions. That’s why many people choose to create a lasting power of attorney (LPA) to provide protection should an accident or ill health prevent them from making decisions in the future.

An LPA is a legal document that allows another person to make decisions about your wellbeing and affairs on your behalf. Appointing an Attorney before you actually need one gives you the peace of mind that your affairs will be managed how you want them to be. It’s not possible to create an LPA once you’re unable to make your own decisions so if you think you would like an LPA; it’s something that should consider putting in place as soon as possible.

There are different types of LPAs depending on what areas of your life you would like an Attorney to have control of. To be valid, an LPA must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian.

At Edward Hughes, we can help with all aspects of creating an LPA - from choosing an Attorney and deciding what type of LPA is right for you to correctly registering the documentation.

If you’d like to find out more, give one of our friendly team a call today on 01745 343661 or 01492 535640 or click Contact Us.


Fees for Lasting Power of Attorney

Single LPA

Property, finance and registration fee

(1 document)

£475 plus VAT £95 = £570

£82 Registration fee

Total: £652

Single LPA

Health and welfare and registration fee

(1 document)

£475 plus VAT £95 = £570

£82 Registration fee

Total: £652

Couple’s LPA

Property and finance and registration fee

(2 documents)

£600 plus VAT £120 = £720

£82 x 2 registration fee

Total: £884

Couple’s LPA

Health and welfare and registration fee

(2 documents)

£600 plus VAT £120 = £720

£82 x 2 registration fee

Total: £884


Property and finance/ health and welfare and registration fee 

(2 documents)

£600 plus VAT £120 = £720

£82 x 2 registration fee

Total: £884

Couple’s LPA

Property and finance/health and welfare and registration fee

(4 documents)

£700 plus VAT £140 = £840

£82 x 4 registration fee

Total: £1,168


























Disbursements are costs related to the matter that are payable to third parties, such as Court fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.

Disbursement Price
Online ID check £8.50 for each client


Prices correct as of July 2024

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